Task Talks Webinars

Task Talks are virtual webinars hosted by the KHDSP Task Force and typically held monthly via Zoom.

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August 16, 2022

Title: A Community Approach to Improving Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survival

Featured Speaker: Floyd Miracle

Title: Clinical Manager

Organization: Jessamine County EMS

Floyd’s Bio: Floyd is the Clinical Manager for Jessamine County EMS. He oversees their training, quality assurance, and all clinical initiatives. Over the past few years, JCEMS has increased their UTSTEIN out of hospital cardiac arrest survival rates to over 40%! Floyd teaches EMS systems how they can leverage their community stakeholders to increase their survival rates. Recently, JCEMS was recognized by the Resuscitation Academy in Seattle as a EMS Lighthouse Community indicating that they are experts in prehospital resuscitation and are a beacon to other communities. They are one of 8 EMS Departments in the United States that have achieved this designation. Floyd teaches at a variety of venues, and most recently, he taught High Performance CPR to Saudi Arabia Paramedics.


Featured Speaker

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Meeting Resources

September 22, 2021


Meeting: Task Talks hosted by the KHDSP Task Force
Episode: #2021-7
Date: Sept. 22, 2021
Time: 11:30 a.m. EDT
Location: Zoom Meeting

Topic: Advocacy
Title: Advocacy and You
Description: What is advocacy and how you can impact policy change? We will discuss the legislative process, the current priorities of the American Heart Association, and how you can get involved.

Featured Speaker


Speaker: Shannon Smith
Title: State Government Relations Director, American Heart Association
Organization: American Heart Association
Address: 354 Waller Ave, Lexington KY 40504
Contact: Office: 859-317-6889
Email: Shannon.smith@heart.org

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Meeting Resources

Featured Speaker

DPH Logo

Speaker: Connie Gayle White, MD, MS, FACOG
Title: Deputy Commissioner for Clinical Affairs
Organization: Kentucky Department for Public Health

July 15, 2021

Meeting: Task Talks hosted by the KHDSP Task Force

: #2021-6

: Thursday, July 15, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. – noon

: Zoom Meeting
Topic: DPH Update

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Meeting Resources

Featured Speaker

Sarojini Kanotra profile picture

Speaker: Sarojini Kanotra, PhD, MPH, CHES
Title: Kentucky Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (KyBRFS) Project Director / Epidemiologist III
Organization: Kentucky Department for Public Health, Chronic Disease Prevention Branch

April 29, 2021

Meeting: Task Talks hosted by the KHDSP Task Force
Episode: #2021-4
Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. – noon
Location: Zoom Meeting

Topic: Kentucky Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (KyBRFS)

  • What is KyBRFS?
  • What type of data can partners access? (data examples)
  • Where can partners access the data?
  • How can partners use the data? (examples of how KyBRFS data is currently used)
  • When is it available (logistics or timeframe for release of data yearly)?
DPH Logo

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Meeting Resources

Dietary Guidelines for Americans Logo

Featured Speaker


March 25, 2021

Meeting: Task Talks hosted by the KHDSP Task Force
Episode: #2021-3
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. – noon
Location: Zoom Meeting

Topic: USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025
Title: The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans: An Overview with a Focus on Cholesterol

Description: In December of 2020, the ninth edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans was released. This edition expanded the scope of federal dietary guidance significantly by including infants from birth through 24 months of age as well as pregnant and lactating women; previous editions started at age 2. This presentation will cover the content of the 2020-2025 DGA and how they have changed since the previous edition with a special focus on cholesterol. 

Featured Speaker: Jennifer Seymour, PhD
Senior Policy Advisor,
Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNAPO),
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Meeting Resources

February 23, 2021

Meeting: Task Talks
Episode: #2021-2
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. – noon
Location: Zoom Meeting
Topic: SMBP
Title: Sustaining a Team Based Cardiovascular Risk Clinic with a Focus on Home Blood Pressure Monitoring During a Pandemic

Family Health Centers Logo

Featured Speakers

Kristin Munro-Leighton Profile Picture

Speaker: Kristin Munro-Leighton, MPH
Title: Director of Health Education, Family Health Centers
Office: (502) 772-8588
Email: kmunroleighton@fhclouisville.org
Organization: Family Health Centers
Address: 2215 Portland Ave. Louisville, KY 40212
Website: www.fhclouisville.org
Social Media:

Kari Moore Profile Picture

Speaker: Kari Moore, MSN, APRN, AGACNP-BC
Title: Director, Outreach & Community Scholarly Engagement, Department of Neurology, University of Louisville

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Meeting Resources

Helen Osborne Profile Photo

Speaker: Helen Osborne, M.Ed., OTR/L
President at Health Literacy Consulting

Organization Social Media Accounts:

Organization Website:
Health Literacy Consulting 
Health Literacy Out Loud

January 28, 2021

Meeting: Task Talks
Episode: #2021-1
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. – noon
Location: Zoom Meeting
Topic: Health Literacy
Title: Health Literacy: What It Is, Why It Matters, Ways You Can Help
Health literacy is about communicating health information in ways that patients, caregivers, and the public can understand. Helen Osborne will highlight the importance of health literacy–sharing stories of who it affects and examples of ways to improve health understanding.

The goal is that by the end of this Task Talk call, participants will feel more comfortable with health literacy concepts and eager to improve health communication in their own settings.

Helen’s Book on Amazon

Congratulations to the winners of Helen’s Book:

  • Melissa Noyes (Mather) Family Health Centers
  • Samantha Gaddie Baptist Health La Grange
  • Shelly Canada KY Department for Public Health
  • Tammy Geltmaker Qsource

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Meeting Resources

June Postponed TBA

Meeting: Task Talks hosted by the KHDSP Task Force
Location: Zoom Meeting
Registration: Coming soon

Topic: Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES)

Featured Speaker

Speaker: Alethea Bernard, MHA, MPA
Title: Statewide Systems Administrator
Organization: Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services

Meeting Resources Coming Soon...

February 5, 2025 @ 4:28 pm